Wood-Why's: Fourth Door Research and Woodnet hosted symposium and exhibition - June 2009
The symposium highlighted timber education in architecture and construction in Higher Education. Pekka Heikkinen director of Helsinki's Aalto University Wood Studio was key note speaker, with a version of the Wood Studio exhibition Woodworks also launched.
Cycle Stations Project collaboration with Sheffield University Architecture department - Summer 2006
Working in collaboration with the architecture departments Live Projects team designs were developed for a site on the edge of the city called Grange Lane
Cycle Stations Project Interreg funded collaboration with the University of Brighton - 2005-2006
The Cycle Stations Project was awarded a major Interreg grant (led by the university with a total value £700 000) for integrated second year student research on the Cuckoo Trail Cycle route, Hailsham, Sussex and the Green Way, (Route Verte) between Dieppe and Offranville, Normandy and Northern France. The interdisciplinary approach resulted in Cycle Station designs from architecture students and a number of complementary cycle route projects by 3D design students.
HE teaching and course development includes:
Philosophy and theory of architecture 3rd year course, South Bank University, London, development and delivery, autumn and winter terms 2009-2010