PH Values – Passivhaus in Britain

As Passivhaus begins to take off in Britain Unstructured Sitelines first special feature looks at its radical history, and some of the British Passivhaus communities key participants.

Read the parts John Williamson, SimmondsMills, Mark Siddall/Deveureux and PrewettBizley played in the Passivhaus emergence story

John Williamson
Mark Siddall/Deveureux

Passiv shorts
Second wave Passivhaus architects in words and pictures


Key Passivhaus info
What is Passivhaus             
Key organisations:
The UK Passivhaus Trust   
Scottish Passivhouse Centre
The Passivhaus Institute
International Passivhaus Association
Web info:
Passivhaus info on the web
Where are the UK passiv projects:
UK Passivhaus training courses:
AECB Carbonlite
University of Strathclyde/Scottish Passivhouse Centre 

The AECB's long march to Passivhaus - the story of how the AECB (the Association of Environmentally Conscious Builders) changed from being fringe sustainable organisation to Britain's prime Passivhaus promoters is told in full.

A whole family of schools looks at Architype’s Wolverhampton projects, which began with their award winning St Lukes primary school, and continues today with the first Passivhaus primary schools.

Bere essentials: What makes Justin Bere run? London’s leading Passivhaus exponents, Bere Architects, are pushing Passivhaus with evangelical zeal. But what has made founder Justin Bere embrace the passiv approach so whole-heartedly?