Where is CLT Going?
Cross Laminated Timber's breath-taking rise continues to accelerate as forward looking architects, cities and investors make it their material of choice.
Unstructured Extra takes stock of CLT on the cusp of going Global
There, on the station platform, two thoughts were preoccupying me. The first was how the National Exhibition Centre was almost the exact opposite of what a new showcase timber eco-conference centre could be, and secondly how the Hadid architect, Jim Heverin, had seemed defensive when, during questions immediately after his presentation, I’d asked, admittedly provocatively, whether Hadid wasn’t coming rather late to the timber party, replying that, “It doesn’t need to be a race.” After the session was finished we exchanged contact details, leaving me to wonder if he’d get back to me when I mailed him – he did, belatedly and then a third very obvious thought popped into my head. Surely the station I was in, Birmingham International slated to be one of the new major junctions on High Speed 2, would be in the running for a spectacular engineered timber make-over. Once the announcements, publicity and accompanying whizzy renders about winning station designs appeared in the next year. Just look at what Fosters had done at Canada Water. And what if Zaha Hadid Architects, if were on one of the bidding consortia, were awarded the Birmingham International station? Apparently my thoughts were on the slow train. I should have connected the HS2 stations to the engineered timber revolution months, if not years earlier. By the time I’d found my seat on the train, the notion of a joint station-NEC timber showcase had stolen into my imagination.
All over Europe – and indeed various parts of the planet - there is talk of new CLT factories opening. CPD’s are being convened, conferences multiplying. A groundswell of new CLT projects, both large and small, are starting and being completed. In countries hitherto not traditionally known for timber, Denmark and Holland – see the brick countries CLT piece here - as the legal requirements of Paris Climate Change agreements requiring architects to meet new, more challenging sustainability briefs begin to bite. CLT is getting more attention and showcase projects are appearing, 650, 000 of CLT was manufactured in 2016, an estimated 770 000 tonnes in 2017 year, with confident predictions of 1 million tonnes either this year or 2019. The vast majority of this increase has been on European ground, but possibly the most consequential news is the growth of engineered timber and CLT projects and production across the rest of the world.
The rise of popularity for CLT has appeared after a mere 24 years since the first CLT building was constructed, and 22 years after the first multi-storey housing block was completed. The three-storey building, designed by Karl Moser, is often cited as the ground zero of CLT and stands in the small Bavarian town of Aichach, near the one time Merk Factory, which prepared the CLT. Three years later, in 1997 KLH launched CLT commercially, after further test experiments. Although other countries from the two European timber power-houses, the Northern Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden and Finland), and the Alpine DACH group, (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) have been part of the development, the CLT story is really an Austrian one. It is Austrian – primarily spruce – forests, from which the vast majority of CLT buildings have been built. Likewise the main factories are in Austria, and as the online Timber Online website recently reported, 60% of European production originates from within a 100 km radius of South East Austria. Locating the radius centre in the ski resort of Obertauern, Timber Net calculated that 408,000 m³ CLT was manufactured from within this forested circle, where Stora Enso, Binderholz and KLH, the three largest CLT manufacturers, can be found.
This South East Austrian dominance is in the midst of changing, a two-part shift, in which CLT production is spreading across Europe, and also increasing internationally. European CLT production is anticipated to double in volume by 2020. Setting up a CLT factory doesn’t come cheap, and the swathe of new factories planned is an indication of investment confidence in the field. One recent report suggests the CLT market will be worth $2.07 billion by 2025. Indeed, the seemingly weekly news about new CLT factories opening has become part of the rush story. The increasing production levels look set to continue, both anticipating and feeding the exponential increase in demand for the material. According to Professor Gerhard Schickhofer - see Schickhofer interview feature here - at Graz Technical University’s Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology there were 29 factories in 2016, 32 in 2017, and an anticipated 37 by the end of this year. While smaller, the rest of the world figures point in the same growth direction; 15 factories in 2016, 16 last year and 17 this year.
Take for instance, Stora Enso. In mid-2017 the Finnish timber industry giant announced a dedicated new factory in mid-Sweden as part of a wider strategic move into building materials. This signalled the direction of travel: industry watchers took notice when a year earlier the company committed $900 million for new factories and production facilities in Guanxi Province China. Even if CLT isn’t dropping off the end of conveyer belts in Southern China just yet, this is another investment sending ripples through the timber sector.
Look at the Non-European regions where the wider uptake is happening, and it remains, at least at present, a widely Western phenomena. Much of the growth is in forested softwood regions of the world, such as North America, though New Zealand, where the first southern hemisphere manufacturer, XLam New Zealand, started production in Nelson and last year expanded into Australia with a second factory. Japan, which began developing a domestic CLT industry after the 2010 Tsunami disaster, rewrote the sustainability agenda and policy, and already has six factories producing 60,000 m³, with a seventh opening this year, ahead of its goal of 500,000m³ production by 2024. There are smaller facilities in Italy, Spain and some of the Baltic and eastern middle European countries, Latvia, Estonia, and Czech Republic. The Segezha Timber group announced opening the first Russian CLT factory in the far western Karolian region, which crosses over into Eastern Finland. Vast tracts, indeed the vast majority of countries on the planet aren’t part of these shifts in building materials, although CLT is on the agenda of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), and a variety of European agencies who work to develop international business are busy promoting the potential of the material. The Dutch Government’s Centre for the Promotion of Imports for the developing countries (CBI) produced a report outlining the potential of African countries hoping to develop CLT production in the Tropics. This, of course, would be hardwood, and the possible huge potential for hardwood hasn’t escaped the various relevant organisations, although R&D into hardwood CLT is only just beginning. The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC), a US Department of Agriculture group funded by hardwood timber promotion agencies has probably done the most so far to advance hardwood CLT, with a range of research experiments to test the structural potential taking place over the last five or so years in Britain – see the Maggies Centre feature.
The breadth of the CLT take off makes the current moment historic in significance. The current second half of the decade, so the argument runs, will be seen as the years that CLT not only became a mainstream building material, but began a new chapter, moving from a regional European, and principally Alpine environment, to something more international. CLT will be used in buildings in different parts of the world. If this is the case, it is because CLT responds to questions, primarily about sustainability, though also ease and speed of construction, which have only become more pressing with each passing year.
The mantra around engineered timber, not least CLT, is that it is a much more radical and sustainable material than concrete, steel and brick, the primary building materials for buildings throughout the 20th century, and indeed since the Industrial revolution. Timber is a natural material, this line of thinking continues, and grows back, meaning the source can always be replenished. CLT panels are thick prefabricated pieces of glued timber laid cross-ways on top of each other, sandwich like, and compressed to make for super-strong weight bearing units which can support vast towering buildings in ways similar to the promise of steel and concrete when first used as structural building materials. Not only this, but using CLT panels, in combination with other engineered timbers, or in hybrid form with concrete, means buildings can be up to 20% lighter, and can be built faster, and with other benefits, such as the relative quietness of construction, the absence of wet trades, and the ease with which the panels can be prepared as prefabricated modular sections. Digital technologies have played a sizeable part in the rise of the CLT. The CNC router enables one-off customised designs easily, while the internet allows architects to send designs all across the world to whatever production facility they’re working with.
The consensus is that CLT will be used principally in housing and office buildings, particularly of mid-scale height - between four to eight or so storeys, replacing or working with 20th century concrete, steel and brick. Carbon energy footprints will drop considerably, as embodied energy takes up more of a buildings’ footprint in relation to the increased operational efficiencies. This is easily imagined in the developed West, Europe and North America, as there is a broader need for sustainable housing on a rapidly urbanising planet. Over half the planet’s 7.6 billion are now living in megacities, cities, and other urban areas, and both the curve and the world’s population is set to grow over the next decades. UN Habitat forecast 9 billion total global population by 2030, of which 60% will be urbanised, rising by mid-century, to 70%. Alongside this unprecedented transition there are the twin challenges of climate change and resource depletion. A consensus among urban planning experts has emphasised compact city thinking, focused on building up; dense and high-rise. But the need for far smarter energy uses and footprints hits something of a wall when you realise concrete is the fourth single largest carbon emitter, with between 7% and 11% (depending on where you go looking for your figures,) of the world’s entire carbon emissions. Steel, too, isn’t exactly carbon neutral, and, down the line, there’s also a Peak-Metal scenario visible on the horizon. Where, the question is asked rhetorically, will the materials come from in both the developing and developed world for future urban housing, including high-rise?
CLT’s arrival, along with ever increasing numbers of medium and increasingly high, medium high rises, provides a critical answer for those who have been posing the question. If forests have been the answer to many of the green questions, now this next green contribution can come into its own. The sea change has drawn both those old and new to sustainable urban design into open CLT advocacy, drawing together such diverse bedfellows as the American Eco-city guru, Richard Register to the London borough of Hackney councillors, UN agencies, or for that matter a starchitect practice such as Zaha Hadid.
The factories’ growing levels of production speaks for itself in terms of the amount of buildings, which could be described as CLT buildings, or ones which use a significant amount of the material. The most visible example of this increase in CLT at the moment is the timber towers’ race. Six years ago, one Canadian commentator’s wrote of “a megabuzz about tall timber right now.” At the time I thought that was hyperbole, but six years later, like it or not, it is clear he was merely ahead of himself. This competition for the ever yet taller timber mid or high rise has taken off with various cities in many of the more forested parts of the world, from Vienna to Vancouver, New Zealand to Norway, all looking to build tall and high.
When the Japanese architect, Shigeru Ban, completes his 73 metre high Terrace House, towering over Coal Harbour’s high end marina district in Vancouver, BC, the building will replace the world’s current tallest completed hybrid timber-concrete building, just a few miles away. The current holder of the title is ActonOstry Architects Brock Commons’ student accommodation on the University of British Columbia campus. At 18 storey's high (53m), Brock Commons pipped Bergen’s Treet (or Tree) tower by 0.2 which is 52.8 metres becoming the tallest hybrid tower in the world when it was completed in 2014. The timber tower race shows no signs of slackening off; Vienna’s 24 storey HoHo Project, by Rüdiger Lainer + Partner will, when complete, outstrip both of the previous record-breaking towers. Other towers are also rising that will reach similar levels to HoHo – for an overview, see this edition’s Further section. In Stockholm (CF Moller’s Woodscraper) Norway, Mjosa 80 metres Voll Arkitekter and in no-wood Netherlands, Amsterdam will see the 73m HAUT tower complete in 2020. By that time a new tranche of yet taller towers will be making the news. Not unrelated motives must be suspected with the collaborative Smith & Wallwork engineers. PLP Architecture and Cambridge University’s 80m storey Oakwood Tower standing high above London’s Barbican centre, designed to bring on gasps of shock and awe when the images were released in 2015 - though you needed to read the small print: for the time-being the plan was strictly conceptual. Likewise the teams’ more recent collaborative effort, the 35 storey Tall Timber 2 designed this time for the Dutch city of Provast, reaches an extra 45 to 125 metres. Projects like these have upped the timber ante, however unlikely their real world applications.
Many people across the spectrum of architects and builders are watching Legal & General’s dramatic investment in CLT modular housing. Observers are watching this big move to see whether the start-up goes according to plan, with varying degrees of confidence and scepticism, ranging from whether and how quickly the rate of production will meet the 3000 target, to whether the apparent commitment to use locally sourced timber (Scotland is really the only foreseeable option) will amount to more than airy promotional puffery. L&G hardly have a monopoly on modular systems, such systems can be found across the factory infrastructure. One of the largest are the 100% modular box units developed by Kaufmann Bausystem’s and produced at the MM-G Factory in Leoben, for large scale, if not high rise projects, like SaubrauchHutton’s recent Hamburg Universal Design Quartier project – see SauerbrauchHutton Hamburg feature.
Both the wave of high rise projects and the arrival of modular housing have received different though related criticism from different parties involved in CLT. Graz’s professor Schickhofer is plain-spoken, claiming that the tall tower brigade are missing the point, and the focus should be on new timber construction systems, which is not what timber towers are doing: "The objective should not be to build even more storeys but increasing the building’s operating life as well as exploring a broader range of applications," he told Timber On-Line. dRMM’s Alex de Rijke, – see de Rijke’s timber towers critique feature -, one of the UK’s architectural pioneers of CLT is blunter; “I think building tall in timber isn’t necessarily about timber, it’s more about a boy-scout mentality…. Sometimes it’s more important to think about what makes a good city, than to think we have to build the highest timber tower. I personally think there is no need”. He continues, by arguing that it is ‘structurally perverse’, that despite ‘amazing’ properties to force the towers to go ever higher, “just to get that boy-scout badge of honour for the highest timber building is just to get it to go higher. This is, I think, just naval gazing…”
Andrew Waugh, whose north London studio built what is generally considered the first CLT timber tower, Murray Grove – for a detailed overview of WaughThistleton Hackney piece - concurs, observing that the priority is for timber to be taken seriously, that “it isn’t just fashion”. Architects and engineers need to develop their knowledge an expertise regarding timber’s properties, where to use it appropriately, and to understand that CLT is only one of the family of engineered timbers that can be used together, or with other materials.
The most persuasive argument I’ve come across against high-rise - in general - was research carried out by Jan Gehl Architects, the respected Copenhagen practice and urban designers. They realised that children, as well as the elderly, socially isolated, and others living above the first three floors of high rise were much less likely to use the ground-level outdoors than those living at three floors or lower in a tower block. The consequence is less connection with daily urban life, and for the children, fewer friends. But this isn’t an argument against timber towers as such. Realism requires us to acknowledge that soon there will be more than 8 or 9 million people on this planet, crowding into cities and other urban areas, contending with both increasingly scarce resources and carbon mitigation. The pragmatism of the head must trump the social poetry of the heart. Tall timber, the realist admits, is here to stay.
Still, across the small but growing CLT network, a sizeable constituency can be found at the edges of the more committed practitioners, which believes that the race to the top is a rather sizeable diversion, distraction even. Timber’s real 21st century future lies elsewhere.
What many architects and engineers share, however, is a fascination for systems, be it building systems, idea systems, or systems of technology, and in this respect, the off-the-industrial-shelf elegance of the factory production line, the modular prefabricated buildings, fascinate many architects. The factory is only one part of digital manufacture there is also volumetric design and BIM, a system sitting within a broader systemic shift from Design for Construction (DfC) to Design for Manufacture (DfM.)
The issue of dwindling wood resources touches on a further question. Is the growth of CLT in buildings and architecture actually doing what the timber and building industries say it is doing, that is, radically reducing building footprints, delivering carbon neutral and even the fabled negative carbon buildings? The sustainable rationale for the increasing proportion of timber buildings is because mainstream, orthodox materials don’t adequately draw down footprints, a critical point given the carbon footprint of building is generally put at around 40%. Timber in construction is the archetypal embodiment of carbon stored in buildings, it’s used to signal green aspiration, and, the argument follows, engineered timber, including CLT, stores carbon in the structural body of a building. Many CLT projects, and all showcases, make a big issue of the amount of carbon being saved or stored by the use of timber. The first timber tower, Murray Grove, saved 306 carbon tonnes in 2009. Last year Vancouver’s Brock Commons, the architects say, saves 2432 carbon tonnes through using CLT and other wood products. This may sound impressive, yet, in Britain and elsewhere, there’s a growing body of evidence that the construction sector’s carbon footprint has not fundamentally changed over the last twenty years. Research conducted by the University of Bath described a performance gap between the anticipated and actual footprints but was completely ignored, although the press release claimed this was a scandal worthy of the Volkswagen diesel controversy. Meanwhile, in more measured language, Parliament’s Committee on Climate Change reported scant downward movement in the proportion of carbon footprint attributable to buildings, in relation to Britain’s efforts to reduce its total carbon footprint by 80% by 2050. As it is, eco-footprinting, or carbon profiling remains a young science, and the statistics are considered as rough guiding figures rather than precise measurements.
This may not be an argument to lay at the engineered timber end of the construction industry, timber is likely still the most persuasive way of drawing down the built environment’s total carbon and energy footprints, but despite the mass of data about the amounts of CLT production, there appears to be very little on how those annual figures divide up into buildings, let alone breaking the figures down to distinguish the contribution of CLT and other wood materials in relation to different types of footprints, for instance, by country or housing. Despite the proliferation of CLT projects there’s no sense of whether the materials uses are making any substantive difference in the carbon equation, which is generally cited as being at the heart of the case for CLT’s development.
One obvious and easy explanation is that the timber industry, while willing and happy to go along with sustainability when it suits them, won’t, if business plans bottom lines don’t add up, go the full distance required to be fully sustainable. Every timber company’s website and promotional material may boast and brag about how environmentally friendly their industry is, but the whole thrust is towards increasing production growth and therefore the harvesting of stands. This may be a rather crude characterisation – and a massive generalisation - but industrial forestry is a competitive business, raw in tooth and nail. A contrasting perspective is that some of these company’s are at the edge of a much bigger transformation, the arrival of Forest Industry 4.0, and the bio economy. Look again at the Swedish-Finnish timber giant, StoraEnso, who recently rebranded themselves as ‘The Renewable Materials Company.’ A key reason they, alongside the other big Nordic wood industry companies, have been developing construction materials for their portfolios is the collapse of paper and card, in the wake of the Internet and social media, which has been hugely disruptive, causing closures of mills in Finland. Repositioning themselves as companies at the heart of the new sustainable friendly bio economy, including the building sector, is part of these wider industry shifts. It’s also, however, to do with the advances in chemical and digital manipulation of wood at the microfibral and nano-scale. The emerging Forest Industry 4.0 vision foresees cars, planes and many other everyday things, which can be made from these transformed wood based renewable materials. This is some way off, as are even more exotic dreams, for instance, programmable wood. At present bio-materials have advanced as far bio-composite granules, developed for, first off, bio-based spoons, forks and knives, and starting commercial production at one of StoraEnso’s Swedish paper mills by the summer. Seen in this light, CLT can be interpreted as an early expression of these Forest Industry 4.0 futures round the corner, though begging many questions regarding exactly what comes next.
As far as the broader construction industry is concerned, timber remains a small player amidst the larger canvas. Conventional wisdom suggests that the proportion of CLT construction, despite showing a dramatic increase, by comparison to the mainstream, remains minuscule, and that there is next to no impact. Certainly it is still very early days. In the recent Hackney Builds report on the North London borough that is often described as one of the centres of urban timber, and specifically CLT buildings, outlines all 26 timber buildings, of which 10 are small-ish residential units. This may be why the concrete producers do not – so far – treat timber as any kind of threat, even if mining companies such as BHP and Rio Tinto do task research analysts to observe the developments in the timber sector. Responding to a Reuters CLT high-rise feature enquiry, early in 2017, a spokesperson for LeFargeHolcim, the largest concrete manufacturer, said they only saw timbers rise as, at most, a marginal threat. 30 billion tonnes of concrete is used a year. But then, from small acorns do mighty engineered oaks grow.