The avant-timber provocateurs – dRMM's timber journey in-depth
2017 was a rollercoaster year for dRMM, with the launch of the first hardwood CLT building, the Oldham
Maggies Centre, and, then late in the year, winning the Stirling Award for Hastings Pier.
Unstructured casts a timely eye over self-professed timber geeks, dRMM, and their favourite material
Why Timber Towers don't cut it – Alex de Rijke is a sceptic when it comes to the timber towers race.
dRMM and CLT – the way sexier building material
Tender Timber – Maggies Oldham moves the healthcare and natural materials conversation on
Diving for Pearls - dRMM's People's Pier and Hastings and Coastal regeneration
Along the sea front – Hastings Photo-Essay by George Sinclair