Roots Architecture 2013

The workshops, and indeed running the whole chabang was co-ordinated by RAW old-hands, team Bamboo Jack and Alice Shepherd.
The four workshop leader team make-up comprised two seasoned RAW's organisations, and two newcomers:
Architecture Sans Frontier-UK and Architecture for Humanity-UK
Arkitrek and the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)
The Speakeasy was built by team Arkitrek and hosted the Speakeasy Sessions talks by day and disco party time by night.

The Speakeasy Sessions were arranged around the following themes.
Friday - Post Disaster & Humanitarian Architecture
With Bill Flinn (Oxford Brookes Centre for Emergency and Development Practice) Peter Clegg, (Richard Feilden Foundation and FCBa Studios) Sophie Morley and Ben Powell (ASF and Arome Agamah and Alasdair Dixon (AFH-UK)
Saturday - Self & Community Build
Peter Lipman (Transition Town Network) Jackson Moulding (Ashley Vale eco-village community) and Allan Shepherd (CAT)
Sunday - Timber as a future twenty-first century construction material
Nigel Howe (Carpenters Fellowship) Nozomi Nakabayashi (Hooke Park) David Saunders (Flimwell Woodland Enterprise Centre, Sussex)

Speakeasy talks day 1
Speakeasy talks day 2
Speakeasy talks day 3
Sally also heard she’d got a full time teaching post at UWE on the Sunday!
Meanwhile you can download speakers full details word doc here Roots Architecture Speakeasy.
The Speakeasy Sessions, organised by Fourth Door Research presented a diverse cross-section of speakers spanning mainstream architects to community networks such as Transition Town, long time alternative technology advocates CAT, and pioneering forestry specialists who have introduced local indigenous wood to the contemporary building world.
There were all sorts of press this year, such as this on the Detail Green website.